When is a City of Phoenix Residential Permit needed?
A building permit is required for:
* New homes and buildings
* Demolitions
* Carports
* Room additions
* Garage or carport conversions
* Porch enclosures
* Patio covers
* Window replacement or relocation
* Detached storage structures larger than 120 square feet
* All detached buildings other than storage
* Fences and walls greater than 3' in height
* Retaining walls
* Manufactured homes
* Group care homes
* Roof replacement or roofline extensions, including replacing wood or asphalt shingles with a tile roof
* Swimming pools and spas
* New driveways or alteration of existing driveway if work is being done in the right-of-way
* Alteration of hillside topography and/or hillside vegetation
* Change of drainage conditions on your lot
* Air conditioners, evaporative coolers, or furnaces being added or relocated.
* Electrical circuits being added or relocated
* Gas line or gas-fired equipment installations or repairs
* Sewer and water line installations or repair
* Sinks, toilets, tubs, or showers to be added or relocated
* Wall removals or relocations
* Water softener installations or replacement
* Water heater replacement or relocation
* Connecting irrigation systems to a water supply
Other types of work may require a building permit. Please call (602) 262-7884 to verify permit requirements.